The Role of Facilities Maintenance in Advanced Manufacturing

The digital age is marked by the innovative thinking and technological advances that have come to define advanced manufacturing. Through initiatives like the Manufacturing Made Smarter Challenge, the UK Government has exhibited its commitment to the development of advanced manufacturing in Britain. This is to achieve transformation around sustainability, productivity, and resilience in the UK manufacturing sector.

As advanced manufacturing gains momentum, facilities maintenance services are evolving alongside the industries they service. It’s also taken on renewed importance, with operational downtime equating to greater losses and new systems requirements necessitating consistent facilities conditions. Without question, to maintain the competitive advantage presented by advanced manufacturing, facilities maintenance driven by smart technologies hold the key to thriving operations and safety of operators.

Some of the reasons why outsourced facilities maintenance specialists are critical to the ongoing success of the advanced manufacturing sector include:

Advanced Manufacturing Often Has Strict Environmental Parameters

Advanced manufacturing often requires a carefully cultivated interplay between the built environment, machinery, and electronics. Many forms of complex machinery operate within strict limitations around temperature, air quality, humidity, and lighting. Facilities maintenance within advanced manufacturing uses smart technologies to provide real-time alerts around undesirable changes – an intelligent tool for speedy reaction times.

These environmental parameters also make the maintenance of HVAC and building systems important to business continuity.

The Maintenance Schedule in Advanced Manufacturing Moves Away From Traditional Considerations

Maintenance scheduling is done differently in advanced manufacturing. Maintenance needs to be conducted around almost constant production in some cases and fast-shifting schedules. This means it needs to be conducted as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Machine Efficiency is Related to Maintenance

In assessing the efficiency of these advanced machines, maintenance is one of the central factors to be considered. Manufacturers will look at the preventative maintenance schedule, the availability of reactive maintenance, and the effectiveness of smart technology in driving production times.

Facilities Maintenance For Energy Efficiency is a Key Factor in Advanced Manufacturing

A common feature in advanced manufacturing is the production of goods that are innovative and game-changing, but that are also cost-effective. The strong reliance on technology requires a keen focus on energy efficiency. This has a bearing on the running costs of these enterprises, but also on their sustainability – an important consideration for consumers and the environment.

Outsource Facilities Maintenance to A Top Team of Professionals

Outsourcing facilities maintenance comes with a range of benefits for advanced manufacturing. Offering high levels of service inspired by smart technologies that are a match for the calibre of production, FM choices affect the productivity and performance of manufacturers.

At Voltix Services, our facilities maintenance specialists employ extensive expertise and innovative technologies to assist manufacturers with their ever-changing needs. Our team provides leading predictive, preventative, and reactive maintenance services, tailored to the unique needs of individual operations. We partner with operations and work closely with teams to optimise operations and streamline productivity. Get a free quote and discuss your needs with a consultant.