
Top 5 IoT Sensors Enhancing Facilities Maintenance Today

Use these IoT Sensors To Revolutionise Your Facilities Maintenance

 IoT sensors are transforming commercial facilities maintenance, with wide-ranging benefits for customers. By giving maintenance professionals the ability to remotely monitor key metrics, we like to say ‘we know before you know’; sometimes reacting to water leaks and other issues before our clients even know there is a problem.

At Voltix Services, we are committed to maximising the value of innovation to offer the best possible service to our clients. As we develop planned preventative and condition-based maintenance strategies, IoT sensors provide comprehensive, in-depth insights to truly optimise maintenance processes.

We have the capacity to offer a variety of sensors tailored to our clients’ needs, challenges, and aspirations. In this blog, we briefly talk about our top 5 IoT sensors and how they are disrupting facilities maintenance.

How IoT sensors are paving the way for change

Traditional processes have involved calendar-based maintenance scheduling for effective planned preventative maintenance. Using this approach, working with facilities maintenance professionals ensures risk is minimised. It also provides customers with predictive maintenance insights and someone to call for quick resolution in response to reactive maintenance needs.

However, no matter the expertise and experience of teams, there is always a margin of guesswork and error attached to this approach. IoT devices create scope for precision scheduling and reduced risk of critical systems issues and downtime.

Quick view of the features and benefits of IoT sensors for facilities maintenance

  • Remote monitoring of key metrics for key machinery or across entire operations.
  • Alerts for unusual or undesirable changes such as temperature or water levels.
  • Reduced risk of undetected issues and expedited response times. This often reduces the extent of damage, the cost of repair, and the disruption to operations.
  • Accurate tenant reporting based on data. This leads to fewer disputes, easier resolution, and improved tenant relationships.
  • Simplified, unified monitoring across even complex, multi-site, and multi-tenanted operations.
  • Empowers precision condition-based maintenance based on data.
  • Enhanced safety for staff, customers, and visitors.
  • Plays a pivotal role in strategic planning for improved energy efficiency and ESG.


Live facility monitoring with our top 5 IoT sensors for facilities maintenance

1. Temperature monitoring

Using the space temperature coil cell and space temperature coin cell with probe, monitoring temperature is invaluable for facilities maintenance professionals. Temperature has a bearing on facilities in multiple ways.

Atmospheric temperature monitoring assists in optimising HVAC operation for heating and cooling. It also is a key consideration for server rooms and data centres, cold storage, healthcare facilities, and warehousing.

Custom temperature monitors with probes can be adapted to any setting or equipment. These insights can guide maintenance interventions and ensure critical equipment is running at peak performance for efficiency and safety.


2. Contact monitoring

Dry contact sensors monitor whether contact is made or broken between two connected points on assets and their components. This helps maintenance professionals to monitor just about anything – from occupation and open windows and doors to full production line operations. For maintenance, it can be retrofit to equipment to show operation, when operation stops, accumulated hours of use, and system faults.


3. Smart metering

Monitoring the data around gas, water, and electricity consumption is the first step to identifying wastage and issues. It is also imperative to benchmarking and implementing plans to reduce usage. The data from this is invaluable to effective ESG and stakeholder reporting.

We have new installation and retrofit options for smart metering benefits. The pulse counter coin cell converts legacy meters into smart meters. By pre-setting thresholds, maintenance professionals are alerted when high levels of water or energy are being used or outside of hours of occupation to prevent waste, save costs, and guide greener processes.


4. Flood and leak detection

Undetected water leaks pose potentially very expensive risks for commercial buildings. This includes the cost of the water itself to damp, structural damage, and the high cost of repairs. Early detection is critical to protecting yourself from these costs.

Using the pulse counter coin cell is one way to detect unusual water consumption levels and investigate the cause. Additional sensors like the water detection puck and water detection sensor overcome challenges posed by detecting underground leaks and flooding and inspection around sensitive infrastructure like electrical wiring and critical equipment.


5. Air quality monitoring

Air quality and associated monitoring works to achieve safety requirements in commercial buildings. Here, the risk of undetected issues around air quality, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide can have potentially severe consequences for building occupants’ health and wellbeing. Using sensors, we can also make significant savings by identifying buildings that are being overly ventilated; the key is to maintain a healthy, pleasant environment for people to work in but not to over ventilate as this comes with significant cost implications with no demonstrable benefit.

By monitoring these metrics, we are able to intervene as quickly as possible to reduce risk and help you meet your obligations.


Upgrade your facilities maintenance potential with IoT sensors from Voltix Services.

Contact Voltix Services today. Our team will assess your needs and design a plan that incorporates IoT sensors to transform your maintenance operations. Get in touch to find out more about the options and potential cost savings and benefits for your building and your business.