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Avoid Legionella Risks as You Prepare Your Building for a Safe Return to Work

Call on the expert team at Voltix Services for all your water hygiene and legionella testing requirements as you reopen your business.

Have you assessed the potential risk of legionella before reoccupying your workspace?

If you are reopening your building after months of inactivity, you will need to consider not only the impact of COVID-19 on the health and safety of your employees, but also the increased risk of Legionnaires’ Disease due to water system stagnation.


Voltix Services is a trusted and professional legionella testing company and a full-service facilities maintenance provider.

We are here to help with a return-to-work legionella water testing service, so contact us for expert advice and efficient service.

Available 24/7, 365 days a year

Same-day service

Affordable rates

Specialists in commercial legionella sampling and checks

Automated flushing and monitoring units available for ongoing compliance

Water Hygiene, Legionella Testing and a Safe, Risk-Assessed Return to Work

Why are water hygiene safety checks important before reopening my business?

During the Coronavirus outbreak, and the resulting lockdown, a lot of businesses have been closed and buildings have been inactive. This can give rise to a threat of legionella bacteria building up in stagnant water, which can have a significant health risk as we emerge from lockdown and re-occupy buildings and workspaces.

Why does stagnant water pose such a serious risk to health and safety?

Rising temperatures in stagnant water (25°C – 50°C), as well as poor or no flow into the water system, can cause a higher risk of bacteria multiplication. Legionella is a bacteria that is naturally present in water systems and is the cause of Legionnaires’ Disease. People over the age of 50 and those with underlying health conditions are particularly at risk of serious illness. Legionnaires’ Disease is fatal in approximately 10% of cases; legionella water testing is therefore a crucial health and safety compliance responsibility.

How do I know if my building’s water system is safe or not?

As many hot and cold water systems have not been running during the lockdown, and given that summer is approaching, the chances of the bacteria forming has likely increased. It is important that businesses planning to reopen conduct a thorough water hygiene risk assessment and undertake a detailed review of all aspects of their water management system before reoccupation. Necessary actions will be dependent on the type of facility and on the complexities of the water system.

What does Public Health England (PHE) guidance say?

PHE guidelines encourage businesses to start with a water management system review, including a water hygiene risk assessment. It is understood that zero or low occupancy of buildings poses higher water-borne risks. A risk assessment will help to ensure the serious implications that arise from water stagnation are carefully reviewed and managed, and the required actions can then be taken.

What kind of water safety actions are required in my building?

Actions required at your premises will depend on a number of factors and should be guided by your individual risk assessment, as well as PHE guidelines and ongoing statutory requirements. Hot and cold water hygiene and safety requirements may include the draining of stored water, flushing through outlets and steps to reduce the risk of legionella, as well as legionella water testing. PHE has said there should be regular flushing of water system to stop bacterial growth at a range of sites, including office buildings, hairdressers, gyms and hotels.

What kind of water safety actions are required in my building?

Actions required at your premises will depend on a number of factors and should be guided by your individual risk assessment, as well as PHE guidelines and ongoing statutory requirements. Hot and cold water hygiene and safety requirements may include the draining of stored water, flushing through outlets and steps to reduce the risk of legionella, as well as legionella water testing. PHE has said there should be regular flushing of water system to stop bacterial growth at a range of sites, including office buildings, hairdressers, gyms and hotels.

Water Hygiene, Legionella Testing and a Safe, Risk-Assessed Return to Work

What is Legionnaires’ Disease?

Legionnaires’ bacteria propagate in water and the disease develops when small water droplets carrying the bacteria are breathed in. It causes a severe form of pneumonia in patients which can be fatal for people with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and heavy smokers and drinkers and can have life-threatening complications such as septic shock and organ failure. Legionnaires’ Disease is a notifiable disease, meaning health professionals are required to inform local health protection teams of suspected cases and facilities around the country are closed at the perceived threat of a Legionella outbreak.

Why are water systems a risk?

Bacteria colonies flourish in manmade cold and warm water systems. This makes cooling towers, air-conditioners, and water warmers particularly hazardous breeding grounds for the disease, especially in larger building complexes, in warmer weather and if left stagnant for extended periods of time. The risk temperature range is between 25 and 50°C and hot water systems should be set to 60°C so as to deliver water from the taps at 55°C. Outbreaks tend to happen more in the warmer summer months between July and September.

What are my statutory compliance requirements?

Compliance around water systems and Legionnaires’ Disease is regulated by the Approved Code of Practice L8 2013. According to this, it is a legal requirement to perform constant checks of water temperatures, with all monitoring records being kept for five years. The responsibility of testing and monitoring lies with owners and landlords. Even where they’re using third party services, they are tasked with minimising the risk of Legionella in their water systems. Your compliance will involve notifications in terms of water towers, risk assessments, personnel appointment around your water systems, and prevention and control measures around your water system responsibility.

What are the risks of non-compliance?

Directors who fail to control a Legionella risk can be prosecuted across a range of health and safety regulations and the fine varies according to the regulations and the prosecuting court. Crown courts can impose unlimited fines and up to two years’ imprisonment, while magistrates’ courts can impose up to £20 000 fines and Scottish Sheriff Courts can impose up to 12 months’ imprisonment. Prosecution under a health and safety Act can also result in company directors being disqualified. Where death occurs through failure to control a risk, offenders can face unlimited fines in the region of millions of pounds, charges of corporate manslaughter, and imprisonment.

About Voltix Services

Voltix Services provides clients with an excellent delivery partner for all of their commercial installation, reactive maintenance and ongoing preventative maintenance requirements.

We understand that, while businesses plan for major incidents, few would have imagined a pandemic of this size or scale. You need a Facilities Maintenance partner that can help quickly, and that offers a trusted, flexible and affordable service.

Voltix Services offers a complete facilities maintenance solution for businesses and buildings reopening as we emerge out of lockdown into a new working environment with additional workplace risks and unprecedented challenges. 

We are here for you through these challenging times – get in touch today.

Contact the Experts Today For a Water Hygiene Risk Assessment

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